Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat singkatan yang sering digunakan baik dalam bahasa lisan (percakapan) ataupun bahasa tulis (tulisan). Berikut ini singkatan yang biasa digunakan :
- Aren't = are not
- Can't = can not
- Couldn't = could not
- Didn't = did not
- Doesn't = does not
- Don't = do not
- Hadn't = had not
- Hasn't = has not
- He'd = he had, he would
- He'll = he well
- Heven't = heve not
- He's = he is, he has
- Here's = here is
- I'd = I had, I would, I should
- I'II = I will. I Shall
- I'm = I am
- Isn't = Is not
- It'd = it had, it would
- It'II = it will
- I've = I have
- Let's = Let us
- Ma'am = madam
- Mustn't = must not
- Needn't = need not
- Oughtn't = ought not
- Shan't = shall not
- She'd = she had, she would
- She'II = She will
- She's = She is, she has
- Shouldn't = should not
- That' II = that will
- That's = That is, that has
- There's = there is
- They's = There is
- They'd = They had, they would
- They'II = They will
- They're = They are
- They've = They have
- Wasn't = was not
- We'd = we had, we would
- We'II = we will, we shall
- Weren't = were not
- We've = We have
- What's = what is, what has
- Where's = where is
- Who's = Who is, who has
- Who've = who have
- Won't = Will not
- Wouldn't = Would not
- You'd = you had, you would
- .You'II = you will
- You're = you are
- You've = you have